Originally Posted by Johnj
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Johnj
So Mad what your saying is your for KILLING BABIES if the mother doesn't want to be bothered with them.
And as long as we call it something else, so it doesn't sound so fucking bad.
No actually, it would be KILLING FETUS'S - It isn't a "baby" until it leaves the womb. Now who's calling it something else to make themselves feel better.
Ok so it make you feel better to call it a fetus, which is Latin for BABY, then we'll call it a fetus. Your position then is that it's ok to kill them, right.
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q= ... arch&meta=
A fetus is an unborn human or animal.
a human embryo in the mother's uterus
A term used to refer to a baby during the period of gestation between eight weeks and term.
The unborn child from around eight weeks after conception (when all major organs are formed and it begins to resemble a human being) to the time of birth.
an unborn baby
Many sites beliveing its an unborn child.