09-02-2002, 02:46 PM
I dont know the technical term for it, bit i have a fear of man made objects that are in water like dams, sleuch gates, like if i fell in the water i would panic that i would be sucked under and into a turbine or something yes i know they are covered with grils, but it freaks me out. I do however have a strange fasination with dams. Im always going on tours of them, but i would just HATE to fall in water behind the damn, or infront it, or into a salmon ladder.
Canals with the gates, and dock yard gates freak me out the most, mainly because theyre old a dingy and probably malfunction and suck you under.
I think i got all this from the swimming pool when i was a kid, the wave machine was covered with black gratings and used to freak me out being near them, however i am ok about them now because im bigger now.
I also dont mind natural formations though, like waterfalls, river rapids, great fun to canoe in.
I also get stage fright.