New e-mail from Josh -
03-13-2006, 07:59 PM
New update from my family friend:
[quote:cb7d4]Hello all,
I have not been out on the update kick lately and thought that I would send something out.
I had a chance to go home for leave in January and absolutely loved it.
Heather and Ben are doing well in Statesville and I had no trouble fitting back in (thank you Heather...) There were many hours of playing GOBOTs and a few "honey do's" that got done in the two weeks - all of it was great.
Visited Ben's school for a morning and talked to the kids about what it is like to be a soldier and the similarities between kids all over the world - they just wanted to know why the army has its hair so short! Not nearly enough time of course.
Not sure how long we will be here, but planning for the end of summer.
We have stayed busy with convoys all over the place: to the Syrian boarder to inspect some forts (picture attached); to a Kurdish town called Dohuk where we walked around with no weapon etc and shopped; to Rabia (boarder crossing town); to Mosul; to Talafar etc. Lots of time on the road - I enjoy being the gunner.
Biaj is still the same only it is no longer wet, muddy and cold. We are still getting mortared every now and then and there are still IEDs.
Hopefully we can get it to calm down.
Well, Gotta go on another convoy so I must keep this short. The picture is of me and my Major at Border fort 31 on the boarder with Syria. The fort is about 400yds from the actual boarder and there are Syrian forts visible....
all out in the middle of nowhere!!!!!