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Default 03-16-2006, 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck
you do realize this is a Work trial Bill. Most employers have a 30 or 90 work trial period in which they can let you go or you can leave at anytime for any reason. Hell Britan has a 1 year probation period right now The french Gov't just wants to pass it for 2 years,

"Villepin says the law will help reduce unemployment among the young, now running at 22.8 percent, more than twice the national rate. Youth unemployment was widely seen as a cause of riots in poor suburbs last year."

This gives employers the ability to hire more people to their staff as "temp" workers without the fear of having to shell out severence packages for workers who dont pan out. ... blabor.php

"Roubaud is not the only one who has taken advantage of the new contract, which so far applies only to the 2.4 million French companies with fewer than 20 employees."

This bill can be very beneficial, but Im sure most french youth think much like yourself machette and blindly see just the surface of OH MY GOD MCDONALDS AND BURGER KING CAN JUST FIRE ME FOR NO REASON BECAUSE IM UNDER 26, BURN THE TOWN!!!

so please kindly go fuck yourself mr righteous
Making fun of someone in a political debate to further achieve your point = oOo: stupid:

I don't see why any bill should exist. And I love Sgt>Stackem's response..don't worry Americans have rioted for even worse reasons = guns n roses concert didn't show up or because a sports team won some grand prize...real good reason to tear up a city..give me a fucking break you guys rolleyes: Hearing non-violent marches from you hawks only makes me laugh.
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