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I don't need no stinking service plan
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Default I don't need no stinking service plan - 03-19-2006, 04:50 PM

Purchased a treadmill on 12/21/05 and began to have problems with it yesterday. Tossed it in the back of the truck and brought it back to Sports Authority. Turns out there's a 90 day return policy so i was in by 2 freakin' days!! Talk about shit luck. And to top it off, they gave me $40 because the fucker was on sale. I'll purchase the 3yr warrantee ($149.00) on June 18 if it doesn't break again by then.

I guess you couldn't ask for a better time for it to crap out on me.

I've been getting lucky lately with returns and service plans. Normally i never purchase a service plan, i just wing it but....when i bought my laptop, i opted for the plan after owning it for 2 weeks. Got my monies worth last week when i had to have a cracked hinge replaced at a cost of $540.00 after 2 years of ownership. Sometimes those service plans pay off.

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