Thread: f**kin trans.
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f**kin trans.
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Default f**kin trans. - 03-22-2006, 09:46 PM

God dammit okay so today I drive to school. Car works fine, its about noonish. I go through the construction zone en route to school, pull in the parking lot, and step out. This mexican guy is like "you mang you are leaking something, and its baaaad"...Okay so I step out and what do I see? A big steaming pile of transmission fluid near my right front wheel. I fear the worst, but it doesn't smell like it was burned up (which is good). I pop the hood and check the dipstick, and the ****ing pan is bone dry..GOD DAMMIT MOTHER FUCING HELL...I enter Joe Pesci mode. I call my dad up (whos in Florida right now), and he tells me to call this mechanic he knows..I call up, and turns out that guy doesn't even work as a mechanic anymore..SHIT. So I go to the campus CyberCafe and check out YellowPages, find some tow truck service. Call them up, the first one wanted 150$ for towing, so I told them I will call them back. Called up the second guy, they were asking for 75$ plus 3$ per mile. Okay no problem, my place is about 7 miles away. So after waiting not long at all (about 10 minutes), I get my car towed back, cost me a total of 96$. So now my car is ****ed and I have no idea what the **** to do at this point...I checked the underbody but it is just too hard to tell.

Anyone know what I should do next?
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