03-27-2006, 04:57 PM
there are parts of Bush's idea I like. It gives them a chance to stay legally. I have NO PROBLEM with legals working. If it wasnt for that I wouldnd be here. This country is the melting pot. I am TOTALLY AGAINST illegals. If they are here now and want to come clean I think its OK to let them do so. I like the idea of staying employeed for 5 years and keep a clean crimiinal record. If you can do that then become a citizen, if not SEE YA!!
We are in such a spot with this we need to start somewhere. Offering those that want to stay a legal way of doing so is fine with me. It would be impossible to get all of them out and start fresh. Give them a chance, if they dont take it or reneig on it ship them out.
This problem is decades in the making so it will take a while to fix it