Thread: strict servers
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Default 09-03-2002, 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner91
I think it's great. Rude and the others have done an awesome job in cleaning up their server. The chat filter is great (although people are finding ways around it - i.e. I saw a guy on there yesterday with an obscene name with no spaces in it). Dunno if there's anything you could do about that, though. Well, other than admins personally booting the idjit. In any case, well done Joe and Red (I think those guys are responsible for the filter...).

Bravo...keep the killin' clean, I say.

The only problem with the chat filter script is that it doesn't work on names, because the localization uses the oddball &&& to represent a player's name. With the SDK, I suppose i could write a script that includes names, but it's impossible right now.
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