Thread: strict servers
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 09-03-2002, 04:56 PM

HA, it IS funny to see somebody type the f-word only to see it come up as duck. I think for future releases on the chat filter somebody should program it to say "I'm an idiot" whenever someone uses the f-word. Just imagine the look on their faces! As for not allowing swearing, I think it is okay to swear, but personally I think it makes you look like a tool to keep on using the f-word or fag or queer to everybody else in the server. Whenever I want to type something, I say "crap" instead of "duck". What?? the chat filter is on this too!? Duck this! Eat my motherducking grass!! Oh sorry, sometimes I have outbursts. Anyway, on my server the only thing that gets you kicked is showing disrespect to anybody else and that includes team members.
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