Thread: strict servers
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Default MY SERVER - 09-03-2002, 05:18 PM

when you use the f word in my sever it says....EXCUSE ME!!! IM A MORON...AND ABOUT TO BE KICKED FOR TRYING TO USE THE F WORD IN THIS SERVER..JUST WANTED TO SAY GOODBYE!!!!...and at that point he is kicked and banned from my server..what most players dont realize is the countless hours spent to create a server just the way you want it to run...mods ..maps takes long hours in front of the computer..then just when you get it all set exactly how you want it and get a bunch of good people in there on a regular basis to play along comes these jackasses who think they can show up and do anything or say anything they want,,,WELL THEY CANT...YOU CALL IT BEING PICKY...I CALL IT TAKIN CARE OF MY HOUSE....its a lot easier to just kick and ban them then to try and reason with them when most of the time you just get more cuss words for your trouble...THATS WHY A LOT OF SERVER ADMINS ARE QUICK ON THE TRIGGER...ME INCLUDED...BUTCHER
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