Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by Machette
Flags upside down means a country in distress..whats wrong with doing that?
the way they did the flag business was disrespectful, that's my main point, along with their other actions, it just seemed what they did was ironic, that's all.
It's not disrespectful - YOU
think it's disrespectful - and I'd say you were probably in a minority...
If I saw people protesting against my government, I wouldn't take offense to them turning the flag upside down - I'd think, 'Hey, at least they have enough respect to not set the flag on fire or walk all over it.'
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that....It's a non-violent, non-offensive way of making a visual protest against a countires government.
I think you just have a problem with people criticising your country in any manner...I call that TOO much pride...
It's good to be proud of your nation, but when you support it to the degree that it makes you angry and pissed off at people who turn THE FLAG upside down, I'd say you need to rethink your patriotism.