03-30-2006, 02:33 PM
im assuming there will be a demo. as long as there is balance and the vehicles arent complicated to control (bf2 vehicles are perfect IMHO) then it should be a fun game....chances are grey matter will nail the new quakewars game and 2142 wont have as many players....or not...
-shorthand...the bf2 game has so many underlying features and gameplay dynamics that you would find it hard to get bored. i think if you have been gaming long enough bugs and gameplay issues will always be there...hopefully in small amounts. ive been lucky enough to experience minimum gameplay issues with "the server has disconneted" being the big one if i were to raise some cane with EA/Dice. unless you only like playing one class/doing one thing...the game offers alot in terms of content. i was bored out of my mind after about 3-4 months of playing...left the game for 2 months or so and came back....started playing the various classes and used them in a more situational/team play based scenario...ie weve capped a flag with their assets..i switch to spec ops and blow their shit up...defend..then move on...
current objective is to get 10 repir points in a round...ive only been able to get 6 so far...its fucking hard and challenging not to mention you need a bit of luck eek: