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General of the Army
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Default 03-30-2006, 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by c312
I said the US flag should be flown, "higher than other flags on the same post or building" which I figured would naturally mean all flags, including state flags. Also, I'm pretty sure it was on the website I posted, but even so, I can see how I could have been more clear.

Machette, oOo: happy:
What I got from your statement is that you were pissed off that mexicans were flying their flag higher than the American flag, and that that is very disrespectful and that the american flag, as a rule, should always fly higher than any other flag because it is of a higher respect and a higher regard....
Without directly referencing state flags, and instead another nation's flag, you're basically saying america and its flag is of a higher respect and regard than other countries - especially mexico.

It doesn't really matter at all, but I notice a few people around here get rubbed the wrong way by you for no obvious reasons. I'd say its to do with subtle stuff like that...

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