Starting A Dedicated Server -
09-03-2002, 11:43 PM
Completely in the dark here. I have the hardware to set up a dedicated T3 server at my office. (I own the business) oOo:
I have no idea how to set up the server. Do I need to run the game and have it installed? Any certain software I need to have or run? How about modifying the settings. Adding a realism mod. Changing weapon or ammo settings. Any of the server side stuff that can be / needs to be taken care of. And how to change the map rotation? Add mods? Etc.
I have NO Idea where to even start, except for posting here. I'm sorry if there has already been as post on this. I searched for a while before starting this topic. I am hoping this doesn't sound too n00b related but any help would be VERY much appreciated. oOo: