Thread: ITs PAT
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Default ITs PAT - 04-12-2006, 06:26 PM

so at lunch today out with a couple guys we started talkin about a couple new people that started working there having a myspace or LiveJournal that showed up in our referring websites etc and they began talking about Jessica the person who had the job I have now but was fired a couple months before I started because she started fucking up and pissing off clients.

This is jessica

well she had a livejournal like site that the guy sent me a link to today and Im reading it and it talks about how she was betrayed at work etc...boring shit.

well the next entry is some fucking sex fetish story shit about ball gagging and handcuffing chicks and playing with their tits and shit..Im like WOW WTF NASTY, later on in her posts shes talking about her "wife" and how she looks more feminine once she lost some weight oOo:

well on the left it has her groups and its like Bi, Gay, transgender community. transgender advocate, transgender lovers etc.. I msg my bud Im like wtf mang you see her groups whats that all about was she a tranny or something?


buddy: Yea dude you didnt know that, I would have told you.

apparently "it" hired in as jessica, had all the proper documents and license etc. worked there for 3 months went on vacation to Thailand and came back with a cane and a serious limp. What happened? "Oh I hurt my leg while on vacation"

well one of the guys at work found her site after she had been fired for pissing off clients and sure enough she did hurt her leg....the THIRD leg she was packin between her legs ed: ed:

This it went on vacation and had its dick chopped off in thailand and the bosses and everyone else had no clue that Jessica was a pre/post opp tranny.


anybody else work with some tripped out people?

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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