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Default 04-15-2006, 10:16 AM

Damn, so much hate!

I work out and I'm not an alcaholic. Just because I drink once or twice doesn't mean I'm going to blow up. On top of that, liquor is better for me, at least carb and fat wise, then beer.

By snagging, I mean I got into the rents liquor cabinet and found it. I ended up not drinking it and killed my friends jack daniels. I tell ya, you can mix almost anything with Jack...even orange soda! As I was seeking through the cabinet I saw some wierd stuff. Liquor from Italy,Germany and Scottland, all dated in the 60's/70's. Guess the rents got good taste.

I was actually afraid to drink the Canadian Club, because I looked at it and it was bottled in 1971! On top of that it was aged 6 years before that! The stuff was from 1965! Crazy. Anyways I might drink it in the coming weeks, but from what I hear it's very smooth whiskey.
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