09-04-2002, 12:07 PM
1) the /s option depends on the OS that willl be installed to the system next. When you install the OS, it will overwrite these files anyways, unless they match. So, there's not really a point to using the option, just do a format with "format X:"
2) If you have an OS like XP or 2000, it's rather difficult to format a HD, since these OS's no longer support DOS, only MS-DOS. Depending on your PC, you can go about this a few different ways.
-a) fool with your PC until somehow magically you can get into DOS (Trust me, I've seen it happen!)
-b) Get another HD, install an OS on it. connect the one you want to format as a slave, boot windows using the 2nd drive, format the 1st drive in windows. (pain in the ass method!)
-c) With the 2000/XP disc, you can boot the OS using "CD-ROM" support. While booting, you can get the option to cancel the boot, which brings you to a DOS prompt. Remember, this method is different by the PC, though.