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Problem with mapping - advice needed please.
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Default Problem with mapping - advice needed please. - 09-04-2002, 01:04 PM

Hi All,

I am currently building a map with a load of cliff faces. I am using lots of different blocks to get a rugged cliff kind of look.

When doing the FS_Startup section of the complie I keep getting these errors:
WARNING: Leaf portals saw into leaf:

I've done a bit of research into what it means (I gather it means you can look out of a block into the same one or something along those lines). Anyway, sometimes I can really mess with a block and sometimes I get it if I move a vertex by one square. It's getting really annoying. Are there any methods for ensuring you dont get this error as I seem to get it on what seems to be a random basis.

Also, is it important to remove all instances of this error or can they safely be left?

Or, are there any good methods/tuts for creating realistic cliff faces as it seems to be taking hours.... and hours.... and hours..... and because of this error I keep having to remove loads and Im sure that if I compile after every minor change and have added a new box and shaped it, I get the error again and remove the only new box added since the last successful compile and I still get the error until I remove several other boxes which did not have a problem before!! I very often loose 3 or 4 hours work and have to start whole sections again because of this error.

Any advice would be very welcome

- Winston
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