Thread: Gas Pricessss
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Default 04-23-2006, 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by Machette
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Machette
Wish they built cities differently..put everything in walking distance. Only need to drive when you need to get to a further city. I remember reading a theory about this two years ago..forgot it though.
that would be physically and quantumly impossible. No "new layout" would put everything in say, New York, in walking distance. Unless we built a system of wormholes in every city. Thats retarded. oOo:
It was based on cities that were built in the past. The only general reason our cities are more spread out is because of the population. Certain things that people flock to could be built closer, such as a mall. The mall here is surrounded by other companies that could be placed at certain locations in a city. Certain cities are very spread out even with a small population. It was a good argument but like I said I forgot most of the key arguments so I unfortunately can not further explain. And the cities that were layed out in his theory were not based on large scale, highly populated cities like new york. So shut the fuck up.
Ah, I see.Had you said something comprehensible like "changed the way cities were layed out/distributed" I may have understood. But you said "Built", which suggests changing the cities physically. But its still not going to help, it just increaes the chances that things you need are still going to be in the next city or you have friends in another city, increasing the amount you must drive. Trust me, I live in a system like that, all smaller separate cities, and we have to drive more and farther more often.

PS, Im pissed at short, not you biggrin:
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