Thread: Gas Pricessss
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mR.cLeAn is Offline
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Default 04-25-2006, 01:32 PM

This is F-ing great, it was hovering right below $3 for the last 2 months, and now is up to $3.60 in Tampa ... It might even reach $5 this summer. Its crazy for me cause where I live there is only 1 bus, and we just got the route a month ago. And its an Express route, and is not even close to the house, is like 10 miles away. And I would have to take 2 buses to get to work.

I might have to force myself to take the bus, but this is what I would have to do:

Wake up at 5am, get ready in 30min and ride the bike to the bus stop, it gets there at 6am.
Take the Bus all the way to a main station by USF
Wait 1hr for the bus to take me to my work area, well at least close enough, cause the bus stops like 3 miles away from my office.
Ride the bike for like 10-20 min to get to work.

than comming back the express bus passes my work area so I just have to take 1 bus.

-but if I were to drive I would get to work in 45min.

Tampa is so fricking huge, I hate how everything is soooo spread.
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