Originally Posted by Tripper
BOY! Give Spielbegr some credit....It was a GREAT film....And if you can't watch it cause of ONE minor slip up, I suggest that YOU try and make the same film, NO mistakes...TOTALLY historically accurate.
But I do see where you are coming from with the whole, Other people messing up cause of what they saw in the film thing. I'm sure it happens to all.....For instance, if you watched a film on 'Under-Water-Basket-Weaving' and you go around quoting the movie, calling the flax they used in it, "2.5" inchs....When in fact the proffesionals use "2.1" Then enthusiats about the sport would get pissed off with you too. It happens to the best of us. Not everyone can be a WW2 Enthusiast....
Why would I watch under water basket weaving??? eek: