04-29-2006, 02:47 PM
Copied from another forum
[code:15848]Default Demo Location: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Demo\Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Demo\Data\settings
File Name: renderer_settings.xml
Editor Application: Notepad
File Contents:
adapter = "NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT" <--- Your Video Card (Hopefully)
driver = "nv4_disp.dll" <--- Video Card Driver
resolution = "800 600" <--- Game Resolution! (x,y; I've personally tried 1680 1050 for my 2005FPW, and it just looks )
windowed = "false" <--- Play in a window? (why would you do that!)
refresh_rate = "60" <--- 60 is the native refresh rate for 99% of LCDs out there. CRT owners, change at personal descression, you know your monitors)
<variable name="aspect_ratio" value="0"/> <--- 0 = Auto, any other setting is just the decimal form of the ratio. Ex. 16:9 = 1.7777778
<variable name="brightness" value="1"/> <--- 1 = Default, Increase or Decrease in hundredths. Lower .99, .98, .97... Higher 1.01, 1.02, 1.03
<variable name="dynamic_lights" value="true"/> <--- true or false, On or off.
<variable name="effect_quality" value="high"/> <--- High, Medium, Low
<variable name="max_anisotropy" value="8"/> <--- 0, 2, 4, 8 or 16. Texture filtering. 16 = Best looking, most taxing.
<variable name="post_effect_quality" value="high"/> <--- High, Medium or Low. Not exactly sure what this does.. same goes with many more below.
<variable name="shadow_quality" value="high"/> <--- High, Medium or Low
<variable name="texture_managed_backdrop" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_buildings" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_buildings_low" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_characters" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_default" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_effects" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_ground" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_lightmaps" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_no_lod" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_plants" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_player_vehicles" value="true"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_props" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_props_bump" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_props_high" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_silhouettes" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_sky" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_vehicles" value="true"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_weapons" value="true"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_weapons_third" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_quality" value="medium"/> <--- High, Medium or Low. LETS YOU PUT TEXTURE QUALITY AT HIGH! W00T!
<variable name="texture_quality_backdrop" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_buildings" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_buildings_low" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_characters" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_default" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_effects" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_ground" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_lightmaps" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_no_lod" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_plants" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_player_vehicles" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props_bump" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props_high" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_silhouettes" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_sky" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_vehicles" value="medium"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_weapons" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_weapons_third" value="medium"/>
The last settings, from what i can tell, are just specific texture settings, and seem to be self explanitory. For those of you who are feeling gutsy, i just set all of those texture_quality settings to high, and every texture_managed to true, and, just, WOW. i highly suggest a nVidia 7x00 or ATi 1X00, and 2GB of ram for attempting that and actually trying to play the entire demo through with out chop.
Good luck Ghosts, and happy hunting.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.