05-02-2006, 10:49 AM
Alright, let's drop the liberal media argument already because I find it utterly hard to believe there is one. And yes I wouldn't mind stats or some proof because the argument is highly weak. When I flick through the channels and see blizters the situation room I see both sides argued. I know they bring in a republican and democrat to debate each political issue..how on earth is that liberal bias. Do I see huge amounts of coverage of the outcry on the wiretapping issue from profs from gerogetown or ny university? No I do not. The media consistently covers topics that they want you to see. They'll show the daily bloodshed in Iraq which is reported horribly enough as it is. Then they will move on to political issues such as immigration maybe bring on a immigrant protestor and some right wing researcher at cato to debate. Chris matthews the host of hardball is a conservative. He is supposedly even running for congress..know how is that liberal bias? Well what about scarborough country.. the host is a former republican..see where I am going? To say the media is fully biased sounds like something you heard from a conservative pundit. The media in general is shit. And please don't even get me started on Fox News. I could write a nice formal essay on them.