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Default 05-05-2006, 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
best part is that they said theres a new episode next week! i would have taken the 5 days too, those hours of service suck. i lmao when i see teens picking up trash on the highway or painting walls, its hilarious. 5 days in a hawaiian jail are prolly better then service anyways.

you think Michael is gonna run for it or stay and say that the prisoner escaped and capped the two girls. i think hes been brainwashed and that he is going to lead the jack, locke, sawyer and jin into a fatal confrontation with the others....
no, he's not gonna run for it, why would he shoot himself in the arm if he was gonna run for it, he's gonna free Henry and say that he did it and then manipulate the lost group from the inside. Obviously Libby won't survive because that wouldn't work otherwise...
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