Thread: E3
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geRV is Offline
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Default 05-09-2006, 09:19 AM

The sony e3 conference was boring as fuck for the most part, the majority of it centered around sony continuing to talk balls about how their console is the equivilant of a supercomputer and how many psp's they had shipped (not sold).

Mgs 4 was interesting though, pretty nice trailer. Some of the press complained that the gran turismo HD footage went on for far too long. They also showed some kind of new battle card game that used the eyetoy which looked pretty nifty.

The controller though has changed, they ditched the boomerang and (yet again) went back to basically the regular ps2 controller with a couple of differences to it. First of all its motion sensitive meaning you cna tilt the controller around and games will respond to it (so i guess all the sony fangirls will now be backtracking their statements that revolution controller looked stupid to use and that it would get tiring). ... een001.jpg

Theres also no forcefeedback in the controller, according to sony it interferes with the motion sensors, but anyone with a clue knows it because they got sued for their dualshock design and can't use it anymore without paying the company that won the lawsuit last year.

No killzone at e3 this year either.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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