Originally Posted by Arkan
For a prostitute/stripper, no
For certain girls, yes. What i mean by that is the effort going into dates and all that nonsense with g/f's. We've all been there.
Ok, check out this analogy:
Guy 1 meets girl and invests in time, money, emotions, and all that bullshit just to get sex when SHE wants. He's limited to this one piece of ass and he's not guaranteed pussy when he wants it.
Guy 2 is single. When he's in the mood, he hand picks who he wants to dump a load on and "pays" for her services. After that, she quietly leaves and he can go on with his life.
Figure into all the time spent, money, emotional baggage, her family/friends, and all that bullshit and who do you think comes out ahead?
Perhaps paying for it isn't such a bad idea afterall.
there is an old saying:
you dont pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to leave after sex