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Default 05-12-2006, 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
So far season 2 kinda sucks...
Apparently Dharma is a Zen Buddist philosophy about peace and serenity through physical separation. I think DHARMA is an experimental compound put into an air supply to make people more serene, like Paxx in Serenity. The "Others" are like the Reavers, survivors of this experiment who "maladjusted". hence, Rousseau's "disease".

Also interesting to note is the mention of BF Skinner in the orientation video. If I remember correctly, Skinner was a behaviorologist who put rats in a box with a button. Eventually the rat, through random exploration, would accidentally hit the button, and food would come out. From this would emerge behavior; the rat would press the button. Then they would take the food away, and the rat would eventually stop pressing the button and even avoid it. Then food would be reintroduced, and the rat would press the button again. He programmed the rat. Interesting.,

Im in the middle of the episode "Orientation" (SE2EP03), so If anything I just said makes sense later or is mentioned specifically, STFU.
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