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Default 05-14-2006, 08:13 PM

I can't say I agree with Mr. Putin on a lot of issues, but he completely owned Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the bunch. I am glad there is at least one world leader who isn't bush's bitch. As for the collapse of the USSR, that was due to poor leadership more than anything. Gorbachev had the right thing in mind when he introduced his policies of Perestroika and Glasnost, but he misinterpreted and misunderestimated the people of the Soviet Union. The people realized that here was a weak leader, because he was willing to bend to the demands of the people, after so many ruthless dictators before him who would do no such thing. They saw their oppurtunity, and siezed it.

As for a better economic system, that is debatable. Hate to tell you hard core capitalists this, but the age of capitalism is drawing to a close. The world is running out of resources at an alarming rate. We will either have to learn to ration/share with each other, or we will fight many wars over the control of resources. I would pick the first option if it was up to me.

The leaders of the USSR were more concerned about the state of their militaries then they were about the welfare of their people. That is a problem, and theoretically, it is not how a communist nation should function. I want to emphasize that what the USSR implemented was not Communism. It was a perverted, corrupted, oppressive regime which does not even come close to resembling what Lenin envisioned for the Soviet Union when he led the 1917 revolution. Karl Marx would have been very disheartened as well, you can be sure of that, if he had lived to see it.

One last thing, in response to TGB's comment on the US not going to war with China. Unless I am terribly mistaken, we signed a treaty known as the Anzus Pact, which binds us to defend Taiwan in the event that it goes to war with China. The reasoning behind this is fairly simple, Taiwan is the home of many of the more capitalist thinkers in China, considering the fact that after the Chinese civil war, the Kuomindong(sp?) and its followers settled there. So naturally, it's easy to see why we would side with Taiwan over China. In my humble opinion, its only a matter of time till we go to war there.
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