Originally Posted by Trunks
One last thing, in response to TGB's comment on the US not going to war with China. Unless I am terribly mistaken, we signed a treaty known as the Anzus Pact, which binds us to defend Taiwan in the event that it goes to war with China. The reasoning behind this is fairly simple, Taiwan is the home of many of the more capitalist thinkers in China, considering the fact that after the Chinese civil war, the Kuomindong(sp?) and its followers settled there. So naturally, it's easy to see why we would side with Taiwan over China. In my humble opinion, its only a matter of time till we go to war there.
The ANZUS pact doesn't bind you to do anything in relation to Taiwan. ANZUS = Australia, New Zealand and United States, it is a military pact among these three nations (although NZ and U.S do not directly consult each other after 1984).
Taiwan has nothing to do with ANZUS aside from the pact stipulating that in a hypothetical chinese invasion of Taiwan, Australia, because of it's trade deals with China, won't necessarily support the U.S in engaging China in conflict. There is no agreements in that pact that mention anything about the U.S being forced to aide Taiwan, if such an event were to occur.