05-15-2006, 11:24 AM
[quote:6272b]As for a better economic system, that is debatable.[/quote:6272b]
No its not. Take a look at socialist economies, and capatalist economies and the governments that flourish/fail under them. Take a look at the authoritarian governments in South American, and the fascist governments of during WW2 - how rosy are they doing these days? The only socialist governments, are those that still allow privatization of the major economies, and simply take over medical, some transportation and education - they wouldnt be able to survive without free market policies. PERIOD. Name ONE socialist economy (and not SOFT socialism) that has equal access to resources and goods that cap. offers. Name ONE soft socialist country that has a population of over 300million, or has as open borders as the United States. You cant. And there is a reason for that. Socialism relies heavily on nationalization, and a commitment to maintaining the national pride; or a strong military to back socialist (whether they be facists or authoritarians) leaders. For those paying attention - pure socialism in this modern world - does not work.
[quote:6272b]The world is running out of resources at an alarming rate. We will either have to learn to ration/share with each other, or we will fight many wars over the control of resources. I would pick the first option if it was up to me.[/quote:6272b]
What a small minded view of capatalism, and what drives it. Capatalism isnt focused around material goods. If it were, the United States wouldnt have the strongest economy in the world. Capatalist societies export more than cocoa beans and NIKE tennis shoes. You're confused I imagine on just what it is youre trying to say.