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05-15-2006, 02:26 PM
The ANZUS pact doesn't bind you to do anything in relation to Taiwan. ANZUS = Australia, New Zealand and United States, it is a military pact among these three nations (although NZ and U.S do not directly consult each other after 1984).
Taiwan has nothing to do with ANZUS aside from the pact stipulating that in a hypothetical chinese invasion of Taiwan, Australia, because of it's trade deals with China, won't necessarily support the U.S in engaging China in conflict. There is no agreements in that pact that mention anything about the U.S being forced to aide Taiwan, if such an event were to occur.
Taken from
The Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty (ANZUS or ANZUS Treaty) is the military alliance which binds Australia and the United States, and separately Australia and New Zealand to cooperate on defense matters in the Pacific Ocean area, though today the treaty is understood to relate to attacks in any area.
One topic that became prominent in the early 2000s are its implications in the case of a hypothetical attack by the People's Republic of China against Taiwan with the ROC (Taiwan) receiving American support. While Australia has strong cultural and economic ties with the United States, it also has an increasingly important trade relationship with mainland China.
In August 2004, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer implied in Beijing that the treaty would likely not apply to that situation, but he was quickly corrected by Prime Minister John Howard. In March 2005, after an official of the People's Republic of China stated that it may be necessary for Australia to reassess the treaty and after the PRC passed an Anti-Secession Law regarding the ROC, Downer stated that in case of a PRC attack on the ROC, the treaty would come into force, but that the treaty would require only consultations with the United States and not necessarily commit Australia to war
In conclusion, I will state that I think the chances of a US intervention of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan are fairly good, as are Taiwan's chances of attempting to secede. This isn't a sure thing, and don't get me wrong, I would hate to see another world war 3 in my lifetime, but it would be ignorant of us if we at least did not ackowledge the possibility of a said event occuring.
As for socialism, as you said yourself, TBG, it depends on how heavily they rely on the said system. For example, Britain, can be considered socialist to an extent, because it institutes policies such as free healthcare(I could be wrong about this, but it is what I have heard.)
I honestly see no reason why a socialist economy could not function. It would in effect, work the same way, or close to the same way as capitalism, with a few fundamental differences. First of all, currency would not be necessary. Each person contributes to society, and in turn, other members contribute to society. Everybody pitches in. So, people say, if everyone is provided with the same things(everything is shared by people), what is the incentive?
Well I tell you this. Your house is well built, your child well taught, your food, fresh, your mail, on time, etc. So in gratitude for all that is done for you, would you not be inclined to give back to the society which has given you these things? It is very much like exchanging presents on holidays. How can you accept a present, and not give one back?
The main challenge of a fully socialist country in todays world, and the reason why at the moment, it is impossible, is because we live in a capitalist world. I assure you, if all the countries of the world were communist/socialist, if one country tried to institute capitalism, they would most likely fail.
Also, TGB, I think you misunderstand the true goal of socialism. Socialism is a government which is all about the people. Many people have misconceptions, and believe that if one has a communist/socialist economy, one must also have an authoritarian/totalitarian form of goverment. That is not the case. I see no reason why a socialist economy, and a democratic form of government can not be integrated.
Alright, you got me on the running out of resources, perhaps I did not form my thoughts effectively. My main point was, capitalism is a system which is completely based on the root of all The entire reason for communism's creation was because of the corruption of the bourgeousie + nobles, and the mistreatment of the working class throughout history. My main point is, capitalism works yes, but at what cost. So many live in poverty. And even more are oblivious of that. There are countries where thousands die of starvation....this would not happen if food was shared equally.
And the greed that drives capitalism, could very well be the death of us. Tell me folks. What happens in 2040 or so when oil prices are jacked up sky high because there is so little left... Our cars, our planes, our entire militaries, our backup generators, everything we have runs on gas. So what happens when there is little left, but the demand is sky high? Sharing would be too civilized of course, as would instituting a globally funded research facility to solve the impending what then? War?
-ranger, thanks for the compliment, its appreciated.