Thread: Senior Ball
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RaNgeR is Offline
Sergeant 1st Class
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Location: Syracuse, New York
Default 05-15-2006, 02:43 PM

I cant stand how people bash school dances ( like prom/ball) because they think they are too cool to attend or are lame. I think they are just afraid of women, cough gonzo. rolleyes: Of course no colored tuxs'; thats just beat. I posted on the gq forums for stlying tips, rangerrr is going to look good. Im going with one of my best friends. She is simply amazing and one of the top 10 long distance runners in ny state. The problem is every single fucking guy is after her, it pisses me off. I think she started to date someone just recently (word is) and she hasnt told me. I dont want to bring a date who has a bf, thats just rediculous. So I may not pay as much attention to her as I should, Ive always had a little thing for her and some other stuff happened, but Im just tired of her. Def. going to be drunk for the three days following senior ball though, and will probably be getting drunk with a number of different girls; should be fun.
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