Originally Posted by Tripper
Wow this thread fucking sucks. Those jokes were fucking terrible, and no, it's not because they're racist - It's just because they're not funny.
The reason Blacks don't like Nascar is because Nascar fucking sucks. Cars that can only turn left for 728478347 laps isn't the most interesting thing in the world. That's why only stupid one-legged rednecks who digest their own shit watch it. (i.e anita_penis aka vlad_Mc Anal)
Go watch WRC - There's some REAL motorsport right there.
Number one im not anita dick you fucking moron. number 2 I hate nascar for the same reAson as you do. 3 your a fag. 4 why do you love blacks but make fun of cripple people thats fucked up.5 you have issue's i see mommy did a shit job raising you. I could make you cry but it would only be a ban on the pc board. why dont you see a shrink you need it bad flaming people for no reason, we all know you think them jokes are racist when in fact there not, but your just to fucking stupid to see that.
ps: come back with some kind of beat off anul parent insult, ohh and a gimp one with bad grammar. thats about all you good for in life is a few insults you give here, and people stealing you car shit and makein gyou reend them. sounds like Karma loves you dip shit know it all red headed dumb fuckin gscotish french asshole black wanna be. god your a pathetic piece of shit.[/quote:4c240]
wow oOo:
Also, tripp is kiwi. Die Horribly