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05-16-2006, 02:29 PM
I did not intent to rebut it. I merely posted my source, and enclosed some info which hints at what I mentioned. Hoping it would speak for itself. I see it did not. So here you go.
the military alliance which binds Australia and the United States, and separately Australia and New Zealand to cooperate on defense matters in the Pacific Ocean area, though today the treaty is understood to relate to attacks in any area.
In August 2004, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer implied in Beijing that the treaty would likely not apply to that situation, but he was quickly corrected by Prime Minister John Howard
Now, once again. I am not saying that the Anzus pact obligates anybody to go to war with China. However, if we acknowledge the possibility of Taiwan seceding, we also acknowledge the possibility of a war between taiwan and China. And based on that, the treaty would come into play. It would not necessarily commit any country to war, but there is always the possibility, which is made all the more feasible by the treaty, as well as US interests in Taiwan.
As for America not going to war if it's allies don't support it, well 90% of the coalition is American. Not trying to diminish foreign contributions to the war in Iraq, its just a fact. In all reality, I think it is safe to assume that even if New Zealand, Australia, and America went to war with China, American soldiers would be doing the bulk of the fighting anyway. Again, not trying to offend anybody, but America has a larger, more powerful military, and therefore it would make sense for it to be doing most of the fighting in a hypothetical war such as this. So, I don't necessarily think that lack of military assistance from NZ or Australia would make too much of an impact. As we saw with Iraq, when America is set on doing something, its set on it.
My main point was we must not act like it has no chance of happening. We must keep it in mind, because it very well could happen. Or it could not. None of us can see the future, we are all just speculating. But to claim outright that there is no chance at all, is a bit arrogant.
Ha. Now thats a good one. You know how much money the oil companies will be making by that time on us? You will be telling your kids/grandkids about how, back in your day, a gallon of gas used to cost $3, and people were complaining about it! Buddy, they wont even need to look for solutions to the problem. By 2040, they will have made so much money on us, from the ridiculously jacked up prices, they won't even need to keep the companies open. Who cares if your company goes out of bussiness, if you have enough cash to fill a mansion with? These companies are run by people, not robots. Greedy people won't waste money looking for solutions to the problem, they will just keep raking in the money, and then when there is no more oil, all the "big guys" will be rolling in the dough, and all the little guys will be jobless like usual. You think those greedy bastards give a danm about you, or the world? They don't care as long as they have money. Which, as I already said, they will have plenty of.
P.S. Even if you are right, there is also the fact that it will be a long time before oil companies even start to think about that, which means that before you know it gas prices will be $5....and people will go, for lack of a better word, apeshit. I know plenty of people who barely afford the $3 a gallon. If it goes much higher, the greed of your buddies is gonna drive us into the ground.