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Default 05-16-2006, 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by Trunks
Lol. Settle down there buddy. Don't throw a hissy fit. Even tho you said you are ending with that, I know there is a 95% chance you will loook in this thread again anyway so I will respond anyway.

You say the heads of corporations don't care about their corporations once they get enough money and that the company then becomes stagnant because they don't need anymore profit? Do you honestly think a company stops trying to get profits once their CEO and boards are rich enough? You have to be kidding.An oil company is an oil company. It has one goal. To sell oil, and make money off of it. When a company does well, its stock goes up. So what happens when we run out of oil? Well just before we do, everyone will sell their stock in oil companies, CEO's and all the head honcho's will leave, etc. With stockholders selling their shares like no tommorrow, and the head honcho's quitting. Again, people are short shighted. Why would a 40 year old CEO care that we are gonna run out of oil in 2040? Why would the major stockholders care? They will sell their stocks, make tons of money, and if their heart desires it, invest in something else. I find my thinking quite rational, as do most of the people I speak with. As for me knowing it all, I never said I did. I am giving you my opinion on a subject. If you don't want to debate, then don't. Not my loss.
Alright, one more thing then. What do you think happens to companies when their CEO's retire? It seems that you think the corporation just ends...But they get new CEOs who also want more money and continue their desire for profit. I honestly do not see how anyone who has developed abstract thinking capabilities can argue what you are arguing. Your opinion is disproved in theory, in practice, and in history. You are just plain wrong. And now I am done, because this is starting to feel like arguing with a child.

I say good day!
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