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Default New Map! FARM HOUSE VEHICLE BATTLE! - 09-05-2002, 07:58 AM

This map is an update to the secret m4l0 Farm House map from the SP game. It now has driveable Tanks, Jeeps, Trucks, and Half Tracks! (Thanks you Duncan Weir, aka Scorpio Midget, for making your maps and scripts available. I have given you full credit in my map). The map also has a Plane that drops a bomb, Flak 88's, and of course Dogs that spawn and can kill players. The Map should be made availalbe on this site very soon. In the meantime check out these Screen Shots, or e-mail me for an advanced copy. MOHMAPS@OPTONLINE.NET


Driveable Jeeps! There's a DOG!


Here's a Dog on Rockets...any questions?


Plane flys over head and drops Bombs on you!


Allied base with Tanks, Jeeps, and a Truck.


Nazi Mansion with Flak 88's and MG42s.


Axis base with Tanks, Half Tracks, and a Truck.


Take a Dog out with a Flak 88 Cannon!
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