Thread: da vinci
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Default 05-18-2006, 02:32 AM

Originally Posted by Machette
Just remembered this (if it's any importance) It just goes to show how intolerant christianity is. I go to a catholic school - since the system is more or less better than the public system. Screen Ed, a class entirely devoted to watching movies was getting set up to see the da vinci code next week when suddenly they reversed the position and are going to see another movie instead. Good to see some people don't want students to see it. ffs rolleyes: Bet the principal got a call from one of the priests at the local headquarters.
Maybe they are going to try to educate the kids about the issue before you go see it. Considering the book was shown to change people's likeliness to beleive Jesus and Mary were married, they may not want to show it to young impressionable high schoolers without first preparing them...That's what I would do at least. Or, you could be exactly right, I never did care too much for the catholic church in the first place.
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