05-19-2006, 12:37 AM
just got back from seeing it.
Out of 5 stars, I'd give it a 3.5. I never finished reading/listening to the book before I went in and saw it. But the people that did read it said the book was better (as is many cases in film).
My review is just from a person that has no knowledge of Dan Brown's book. I was really excited to hear the music once I read that John Williams was doing it. But eh, out of 5 stars, I'd rate the music a 2. There really was "no theme" to anything. It just was a bunch of slow, moving, orchestral string chords. It added to the erie feel for sure. But I just wish that it had something that would remind me of the Da Vinci code when I heard it (ie. Indiana Jones or JAWS).
Tom Hanks for some reason sounded a bit stuffy with his nasal passage. There was a scene early on in the movie where it was REALLY evident that he might have had a cold. But as the movie progressed, it really didn't bother me at all. That could have been because 1) it got better and his 'cold' cleared up. or 2) I just got used to hearing his altered voice. Tom Hanks did a fantastic job...he still ranks in my top 3 Favorite Actors.
The woman actor reminded me of a mix between Cathrine Zeta Jones and Brook Burke. ha
I thought it was a good flick. It is nothing that is going to take the film industry to a new level or anything. It is just getting alot of attention b/c of the stupid Papacy. rolleyes: If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't have as much hype-factor imo.