05-25-2006, 01:53 AM
[quote:8d996]Keep using the small text, I'm waiting for season two to come out on dvd.[/quote:8d996]
Lol - come on man. BITTORRENT the season, or just go to ABC.com and watch the episodes online.
In anycase - I was glued to the TV the entire episode and damn was it satisfying. Finally DESMOND's backstory is revealed, and in doing so they bookend the end of the first hour with the final scene:
"I can find anyone Desmond. . ."
I dont know if TOO much was explained in this episode. We did find out why the plane crashed (people had called it early, but it was a little obviously really), we did find out how Desmond got on the island, and we did find out what happens when you REALLY dont push the button.
But now:
Who the fuck are The Others. Are they former Dharma employees or scientists? Are they ROGUE Dharma scientists? Are they simply members of the hatch who said "fuck this" and left their stations? We know they arent above killing to further whatever plans they have, and we know they DO have plans. Is it possible Henry Gale is Hanzo's son or relative (that one just popped in my head)? What do they want with The Three? Why are they the "Good Guys"?
What is the Black Smoke Monster.
Why was Walt so important?
How was the island able to cure Rose, Locke, Jin and presumable Charlie (his heroin addiction)?
What does Penny intend to do with her information, and will she "conincidentally" run into Walt/Michael?
Oh yea - and. . .four toed decayed statues? Red Herring?
This fucking show. Its like crack. And ABC and JJ ABRAMS know it.