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Default 05-25-2006, 11:32 PM

I tried to stay away from this topic, but now is all good since I just saw it.

I'm horrible w/ names so just deal w/ me.

The guy in the boat. The Jap mention something that it would take 2 skill sailors to navigate that. So when the guy first came to the island, did he have a parter? Cause otherwise he should have easily hit land somewhere else. Perhaps the electromagnetism thing screwd up his compass, making it obsolete. But he could still be smart and follow the sun and stars.
And maybe he crashed because the other guy was burring his partner. Cause he mention something about the time.

Whats the deal w/ the others. Who are they???? They were pretty calm about the explotion. And confident that 'Blacky w/ son' would not be able to find this place if he were to come back.

Do you think the new electromagnetism wave could have brought new people to the island.

And a complete shocker was the end when that chick was looking for her ex.
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