05-26-2006, 09:19 PM
Anti, we got memories which is mint coffee and something else i can't remember mixed together, peach and cherry. Didn't realize how small the packages of tobacco are though. Probably smoke 2 bowls and the tobacco is gone from the one pack.
We talked to four seperate people about the coals and they all recommened the same ones. They don't have any metals or shit in them, i think their just regular barbecue coals. Their long black and round. Put them on the stove for a few minutes and they light up pretty good. They said that tere are discs that some people use but they contain magnesium so you're breathing that in your smoke.
I'll try to get a pic of mine, but my camera is at one buddys house, and the hookah is at anothers house.
And we did have tobacco with it, but we didn't claim it at the border and they didn't notice.