05-26-2006, 09:35 PM
we got our pretty smokey the other night. you could hardly see inside the glass bowl. only at the top of the bowl could you see the stem, it was a pure white smoke. i'll try to take some pictures some day and show you.
One concern we do ahve though is that the bowl on top holding the tobacco is not sealed. it has no grommet or rubber around the inside of the bowl and can move around a bit on top of the stem. You can hear the bubbles from the glass bowl out the top of the tobacco bowl. When we were smoking at the shop, you couldn't hear anything and I think the bowl on top was sealed. Anti, is yours sealed at the top? Do you know if you can buy something for that? When we smoked it you could see smoke escaping out the bowl. So I know we don't have a complete seal at the top.