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Default Totally New THUNDER Map (THUNDER II) - 09-05-2002, 04:02 PM

Well guys, and gals.
I have been walking around the house for the past month.
Wondering.. whats next.....
I have started a few map creations, but terminating them from lack of intrest.
So.. I have been thinking. How about a totally new version of THUNDER.
Good idea? Bad idea?
These are the things that would stay in the map
1. Night time theme.
2. Fog
3. Lightning
4. Destroyed buildings
5. Each side has a Mansion for main base
6. each side seperated by a field or trench

Some added features will be
1. Falling Rain

Now.. If I could get some feed back about:
What was it you liked about THUNDER?
What didnt you like?

Please any feed back will help everyones benifit
Negitive replies will be strongly accepted. So dont hold back anything.
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