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Hypothetical Question
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Default Hypothetical Question - 05-31-2006, 09:07 PM

I'm proposing this situation out of pure curiosity and entertainment.

The situation is:

Someone walks up to you and says they know of an alien race and they are willing to take you, and only you on an interstellar voyage. The catch is, you know nothing about the race, you don't know what they look like, what they eat, how they fly from place to place, nothing. They could just as well eat you as soon as you board, or they could show you all the secrets of the universe. You have no idea and the only way to find out is to go with them. IF you say no, you will never be given the opportunity again.

You can either accept the offer without knowing your fate, or reject it. What do you do and why?

If you say no, would it not drive you insane the rest of your life to know what could have been?
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