06-01-2006, 01:43 PM
The reason i'm not cheering for the oilers is because I am going up for the Esks/Stamps football game on June 24th and if the Oil win the cup, that's all i'll ever hear from the fans up there. There is such a rivalry between the fans that I really can't cheer for them. Yes, I want a canadian team to win the cup, but then if the oil do, all i'll hear is Edmonton rules Calgary sucks etc. And since the esks won the grey cup last year, although I would say they would not have made it that far if they haden't done that shady deal with hamilton that allowed them to get hamiltons best players and keep jason mass around until the season was over, that makes it even worse.
Then when you see a few % of the idiots lighting fires in the middle of the street, smashing phone booths and windows, it makes you dislike them even more.
I don't like edmonton. We got kicked out of commonwealth stadium for waving the opposing teams flag in their building by 11 cops. Maybe they should spend time patrolling the LRT where a stamps fan was stabbed after the game instead.
so thats my feelings on Edmonton. happy: