Thread: The Rapture 666
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The Rapture 666
mR.cLeAn is Offline
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Default The Rapture 666 - 06-06-2006, 12:39 PM

Intresting enough, I open my eyes this morning to see 6:06:06 on my alarm ... even though it has been set to go off at 6:30 since forever, and I'm a heavy sleeper. It kinda freeked me out, when I realized the date.

Well so The Rapture is coming ... Isn't this great? NO ... I'm 21, in my years where I can be lusty, sexualy active, a drunk, or all those devilishly 'good' things ... and now I must resist temptation so I can survive this Rapture and get into heaven. Geez thanks a lot.

Well so whats gona happen?
The Great Tribulation - a 7yr thing that starts today.

Well the antichrist is to be revealed on 6/6/06 ... that means that he has all ready been borned, and today marks his day in which he reveals himself to the world, or that he will be borned today, like Damien. Watch The Omen tonight. He is to be thought of as a messiah, - simply a good guy - well all faiths are to unite under him, and he's gona put a 'Extra- Terrestrial Spin on The Bible' so he might be an alien ... oOo:

Yr 1 a peace treaty is sign between Muslims and Jews, and the western world.

Yr 2 (7/7/07) a temple for the new prophet is build in the Holy Land - Israel.
-Jews restart animal sacrifice
-Lust and sexual fantasies and perversions become comon thanks to a new church of sex

Yr 3 (8/8/08) The temlpe is completed.
- An Asteroid or Comet threatens earth. (Rev:8:8)
- It rains destruction upon earth
- 1/3 of crops and water is poisoned, or burned

Yr 4 (9/9/09) (Rev:9:11) Abbadon the destroyer is released
- WW3 - 1/3 of mankind are killed
- Peace treaty is broken
- Western world invades Jeruslaem
- The Beast stands in the Temple of God and declares Himself as God, The Abomination of Desolations (Matt:24:15, 2 Thes:2:4, Rev:13)

Yr 7 (2013) - Holocaust until THE RESURRECTION (1 Thes:4:16) happens
- JAN 2013. The 3.5 years, 40 & 2 months, 1260 days Slaughter of Christians Ends
- The Wrath of God is poured out upon the world for 30-45 days (Rev:16)
- - - A comet? This could be when the ancient, COMET-PLANET near passes earth and causes POLAR SHIFT, A GLOBAL CATACLYSM. (Isa:24 = Dan:12:1 = Rev:6:12-14)

Finally JESUS, AS EMMANUEL, returns to the earth to destroy the Antichrist in the battle of Armageddon and set up his Millennial Kingdom in Jerusalem for 1000 years.

... So great, 7 more years of misery. Oh and I'm not that religious, I googled all this information, and checked it ... cause I do have a bible, being catholic.

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