Thread: flash help
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flash help
RaNgeR is Offline
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Default flash help - 06-06-2006, 08:51 PM

Well guys, I know I post alot asking for comp help etc; but now Im actually in a jam. For my final AP English project I decided to make a flash "video" orf ancient Rome, the betrayal of Brutus (twice), Caesar crossing the Rubicon, how Shakespeares' Caesar relates to history, etc etc. That part is extremely easy and I was planning on writing a somewhat lengthy paper to support my flash but flash itself is proving to be the biggest bitch. ever. I used to make shit with it 3 or so years ago and thought it would be something fun to use for a project; but I remember absolutely nothing. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with it? Walk me through how to do it...hold my hand? Thanks in advance..I know you guys know your shit.
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