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Re: DogMeat
=[DOA]=VonMeyer is Offline
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Default Re: DogMeat - 09-05-2002, 09:11 PM

[quote=DogMeat]One thing BB ran into earlier: with a rented server your probably going to be FTPing the files instead of just un-zipping the archive directly to the server. Make sure you create a MOHAA\main\global directory (if it doesn't exist) and copy the dmzdogtag_config.scr file into it after you make your changes. (kdja I think this may be the reason yours isn't working re: your PM)

Originally Posted by "=[DOA
=BallBuster":9fcde]It seems like the mod is slowing the server down quite a bit
Slowing it down in what ways? With lots of people on or just in general? One thing to try is disabling the scroller. I set the scroll timings to be fairly conservative but it's still a little extra network usage.

// scroll
// 0 = Default Score Text
// 1 = Normal Scroller : via dmzdogtag_order.scr (default)
// 2 = Pre-Config Scroller 2 Pages
// 3 = Pre-Config Scroller 3 Pages
level.dmzdt_scroll = 0

Feel free to post your config file if you are having problems.[/quote:9fcde]

Well for one some people who have cable and have pings from 10 to 50 would lag and there ping would rise to 200 or more. Everyones ping all 18 in a map would have high ping. From what i can tell it works but Ball took it off because it lagged the server down.
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