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Default 06-08-2006, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Proteus
Originally Posted by strvs
American culture capitalizes on making people fat , then making them skinny. Fast food companies make billions off making people obese, then diet companies make billions "helping" them lose weight, even though these diet's usually don't work, because if they did they would stop making money. And if people started eating right and excercising, there would be no need for these instant-results diets, but people are much too lazy to actually put the time and effort into it, so they continue to stuff their faces with mcdonalds and take diet pills.. hence the cycle continues.

just an observation...
That's totally right, but I don't think it's much of a conspiracy. They just do it. It's so obvious but still retards don't care they love food more than themselves. My mom is the shining example.
My mom has been on every diet on this earth since i can remember... and they never seem to work. I always say to her "Mom, i just found the ultimate diet plan! Eating right and excercise! Guaranteed results!"

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