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Default 06-10-2006, 03:46 AM

Net Neutrality for Dummies, Written by Blase.

What is net neutrality?

Net Neutrality means excactly what it says, that the net is neutral and completly unbiased.

Without Net Neutrality, your ISPs could becomed biased towards certain sites. By becoming biased towards certain sites your ISP can allow you to access these sites at amazingly fast speeds.

But wouldn't that be a good thing?

Yes and no.

Yes because without Net Neutrality you can now access certain sites at blazing fast speeds.

However, it's overwhelmingly a bad thing because you wouldn't be able to access most sites at all.

Why wouldn't I be able to access certain sites?

Simply because those sites aren't paying the ISP money to allow people to access their sites.

Under the COPE act (which is the anti-net neutrality act) companies will now be able to pay ISPs to bias their site, which will allow people to access them quickly.

Sites that do not pay this money to give their sites the bandwidth required will be unable to compete with the sites that do, as most people would be unwilling to go to one site that takes 30 seconds to load when they can go to another site that serves the same function in 5 seconds.

Bottom line, who gets fucked over here?

Everyone on this forum would get fucked over, because without Net Neutrality the very exsistence of this forum is threatened. Sites and forums like GF1 face extinction as ISPs will reduce the bandwidth available to normal internet subscribers to access sites like this.

Who else get's fucked over? Small companies that sell their wares over the internet, as well as operators of independent web sites that operate in US.

Let's say Adelphia became the only ISP provider overnight. Now, at the moment they would have to allow equal rights to every website on the internet in terms of availablity to their internet subscribers. Take away Net Neutrality, and suddenly Adelphia can decide what they want you to see and hear while on the internet.

So in conclusion, Net Neutrality is the free speech of the internet, and it is being taken away very slowly by the people who connect you to the internet.
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